According to the News Connection:
At the last meeting of the Flower Mound Planning and Zoning Commission, [J.C. Bursiaga's] proposal to build a Market Street gourmet grocery store on the corner of FM 1171 and FM 2499 was turned down by a single vote. Reasons given by the commission included a reluctance to allow a portion of the Cross Timbers Urban Forest to be torn down and hesitation to amend the town’s master plan, allowing a big-box retail store to be built in a FEMA-designated flood plain.
It's not clear from Bursiaga's interview whether the issue of the flood plain will be resolved in time for Monday's meeting.
“FEMA has zoned this area as a flood plain,” [Bursiaga] said. “With our detailed analysis and our professional engineering company that specializes in flood, we’ve submitted two reports to staff and they are still trying to determine what the flood plain actually is.”
Members of the Planning and Zoning previously faulted Burciaga for not submitting flood plain information, even after “more than ample time was given.”
“We’re working on the third report,” he said. “We are working aggressively with staff to agree on what the flood plain is. The gentleman that we have is Jim O’Brian out of Dallas. He has done work with the military, and has done work with different governments in determining what flood issues might plague a site. He has issued his opinion on what flood is on this site, and we are in the process of agreeing with staff what the flood is on a portion of the property.”
If you are a resident of Flower Mound, you can weigh in on the issue by sending email prior to Monday's meeting. Then watch the meeting live.
(See also previous posts "Flower Mound Town Council to Consider Market Street Plan and Planning & Zoning to Consider Amendment to Flower Mound Master Plan .")
1 comment:
JC Burciaga,the developer said during the December 18, 2006 Town of Flower Mound meeting that he is "donating" a lot of his property to the town in the floodplain". He should not have bought flood plain property-that is his problem, not the town's. He is only planning to save 10% of the trees outside the floodplain. Also, when the town council voiced concerns about truck traffic in the parking lot to JC, JC immediately responded that he would put a SECOND entrance off Euclid which goes against the letter of commitment. to the Forums homeowners association. This is a clear indication of his true intentions. All of this is on public record and many of our homeowners heard this too.
JC does not support our community's vision as I feel he thinks neighbors and trees are obstacles. With plenty of parking, truck traffic has an easier entrance and exit, avoids the Forums, and plenty of parking spaces means there should be no spillover into the Forums. Plus, residents will give up shopping there if they have to fight for space or get run over walking in the parking lot since the trucks drive through the parking lot to make deliveries.
We need to campaign for a safe Market Street development: insist on safety and community character.
Your Action is Requested
Inform our Mayor and Flower Mound Town Council to vote “NO” on the “Shops at Market Street ”
The council announce the P&Z meeting will be held on January 8, 2007.
And, the Town of Flower Mound City Council is holding another meeting on January 18, 2007, at 6:00 p.m. at 2121 Cross Timbers Road regarding the development of the property along Euclid Street that borders The Forums Residential neighborhood. We are asking for your attendance at this important meeting. We need your voice to tell our Flower Mound Council to vote “NO!”
If you cannot attend this meeting, please send your “NO!” vote to our Flower Mound Mayor and City Council at the following email addresses:,,,,, and
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