Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain made a stunning move today as he suspended his campaign and called on his opponent to do the same.
McCain suggested that the first debate, scheduled for Friday, be postponed in light of the mounting economic crisis.
We're waiting on a statement from the Sen. Barack Obama's campaign, and we'll bring it to you as soon as it is made available.
McCain suggested that the first debate, scheduled for Friday, be postponed in light of the mounting economic crisis.
Some are alluding that this is a political move from McCain following a dip in the polls. What do you think?"I am calling on the president to convene a meeting with the leadership from both houses of Congress, including Senator Obama and myself," McCain told reporters in New York. "It is time for both parties to come together to solve this problem."
It was not immediately clear how extensive the suspension he announced would be -- whether it would include dropping television advertising or just canceling scheduled appearances. McCain took no questions after reading his statement.
We're waiting on a statement from the Sen. Barack Obama's campaign, and we'll bring it to you as soon as it is made available.
What a joke. More hype from John McCain. Why doesn't he tell us what he'd do as president instead of trying to act like one without being elected as president.
Sounds like someone is afraid to debate the big bad obama. What happen to the strong comments about the economy, etc., now it's a crisis for you. I know folks who lost there home months ago. Was it not a crisis then?
McCain has been reported repeatedly saying that this country is not in an economic crisis. Why is it that all of a sudden when he is supposed to do a debate now he wants to help figure out how to help the country? Either we are in a crisis or not. Does he even have anything to debate on foreign affairs?
What type of President can't walk and chew gum at the same time, i.e. John McCain can't focus on his campaing and the economy at the same time. Give me a break! This guys wants to be president?!? Supposed President Bush "suspended the war in Afghanistan" to focus on the economy. Being President demands that you have the ability to address multiple demands. This was a bad call by McCain.
I think that McCain's actions show leadership and that he puts his country before his self interests.
I've heard it said that the goal right now is to win the presidency. It sounds to me that McCain's goal is to do what is best for the country.
We need leaders in this country.
Interesting that someone who said they know nothing of finance would suspend their campaign to help decide the current financal crisis. How's he think he's going to help?
Prior to the current Presidential campaign I actually had some respect for John McCain for what he had endured in service to this country. But that's over. First Palin, an individual utterly unqualified to run this country if need come to be but whose nomination was certainly an "astute" political maneuver (to hell with the needs of this country). And now this.
What a grandstanding fraud! I guess if you can't win an election through a campaign, find a way to call off the campaign. If this was genuine, he should just do what he believes he needs to do and not make a big show about it, then "dare" his opponent to do the same.
This is better than SNL. Spare us the drama. Trying to do ANYTHING to get attention. Who's going to keep Davis in the $ now? Now FM no McCain campaign. He needs to really put Country first, instead of his inflated ego.
This is the desperate kind of move John McCain has made throughout his life. Marrying Cindy while still married to his first wife. Along comes Sara Palin, whoop, snap her up in desperation to get past the then crisis of behind in the polls. Now this. He is demented.
Byron, Austin TX
What a Joke!! After so many decades in the office now John McCain wants to fix the issue in a few days. He just doesn't want to debate with Obama because he knows nothing about the economy.
McCain = Country First, McCain Second
Obama = Obama First, Country Second
Obama will just fly up to vote "Present" again - he is not needed to do the real men's work. He knows it. And that is why he is afraid to go to Washington and roll up his sleeves.
to zpinarello:
Do you honestly believe this isn't just a political ploy to get out of a debate and make himself look good? Let's look at the possibilities: Obama refuses to suspend his campaign and is labeled as unsympathetic to the nation's financial woes, caring more about winning the presidency than the nation. Or, Obama concedes and heads back to Washington. Well then, he'd have just been following in McCain's footsteps, wouldn't he? A very brilliant, if unethical, strategy for McCain. I hope others are bright enough to see through it.
some words for Obama. Some people like a little less talk and more action.
Rest assured, small-minded republican fish will bite the bait. "country first....coming together...9/11" same old poisoned tripe that feeds such a cynical party.
McCain needs a new campaign slogagn:
"McCain: Leading by Retreating"
Totally irresponsible! A president must be able to multitask. There is no way, McCain can add anything to this discussion to help it through passage.. this is a ploy, plain and simple (as is McCain). Don't do it Obama. He hasn't prepared as he and his campaign have said that he didn't need to, but guess what? HE DOES!!! Obama is the one that called McCain this morning, and didn't recieve a call until 6 hours later. Then upon agreeing to put out a joint statement, McCain hung up and issued a press statement. The man has no scruples or ethics. This isn't country first. He has already written about how he is only interested in becoming president for his own gratification. READ HIS BOOK!!!!
People if we fall for this ploy....it will be to our detriment.
More drama, photo ops, hollow/shallow McCain. He cares nothing about the United States. Look at who he picked to back him up if anything happens to him? Great judgement there! She can see Russia from her back yard! Yeah...PATHETIC!
John McCain has the biggest job interview of his life scheduled for Friday night. Apparently he thinks he can tell the American people that he's too busy to show up! Nothing more than cheap political manoeuvering by so McCain so he can avoid being asked why he's been such an ardent deregulator his entire career (until last week when he changed his mind). Flip Flop.
"McCain = Country First, McCain Second
Obama = Obama First, Country Second"
Does he believe that he can solve this crisis all by himself? How would he do it? Is he afraid to tell us in a debate? He's taken a dip in the polls and want to appear like he's doing something instead of being forced to talk about the issues with his opponent. That's why he's doing this!
I admire John McCain doing this..I think this shows he is more of a leader and more concerned about the American people then himself and standing in front of a bunch of Flags saying..ah ah ah....
Prior to the current Presidential campaign I actually had some respect for Barak Obama for what he had endured in service to his state. But that's over. First Biden, an individual utterly unqualified to run this country if need come to be but whose nomination was certainly an "astute" political maneuver (to hell with the needs of this country). And now this. What a grandstanding fraud! I guess if you can't win an election through a campaign, find a way to call off the campaign. If this was genuine, he should just do what he believes he needs to do and not make a big show about it, then "dare" his opponent to do the same.
mccain is arrogant. he is trying to be so righteous by "taking the high road" and taking a break b/c of the economic crisis? what happened to "the fundamentals of our economy are strong"? its all politics people. just like palin was a political stunt. now he's running from the debates.
only in America... the world is laughing at mccain. if he was well informed about the economy then okay, cool. but he said he doesn't know too much about it so how can he change anything? what - a- joke!
If John McCain cannot multi-task, I have little confidence in his ability to lead the country.
Just switch dates with the Vice Presidential debate and let Palin and Biden debate on Friday.
bwahhhhh! Grandstanding ahead of the President's speech this evening and putting the debate on hold.
What a putz... bipartisanship... how about getting an agreement and writing a joint statement before making the announcement?
Come on people are you kidding me. What could McSame possibly bring to the table to help get the bailout pushed through congress? He knows nothing about the economy only what his buddy Grahm tells hime. This is pure politics and he also just might be trying to get out of the debate Friday. This is just more of the same old crap!
The bottom line is McCain is a coward and afraid to debate. This is a political ploy and the American people are not stupid! We are not stupid enough to vote for a woman because she is a woman and we are not stupid enough to believe that he is suspending his campaign because of our economic crisis. Number one what can he as an individual really do right now to change the state of the economy? Number two if he is concerned about voting, he can fly in to vote. Number three why ask Obama to come together and then send out a statement before Obama has time to respond? Why place Obama on the defense instead of truly opporating as a team? McCain is not ready to be Commander and Chief, that is the bottom line. This country needs leadership and an inability to focus on more than one thing at a time does not define leadership.
I was so inspired by McCain's announcement that I went to the Obama website and made a donation.
The debate must go on! McCain has become a chicken. So now he thinks he can help the economy that he knows so little about by suspending his campaign and delaying the debate?
this is clealry a PR move. McCain feels threatened and his public image is horrible as a whole in the media. This IS part of his campaign and as far as I am concerned, a desperate move.
McCain just disqualified himself from running for president. Leaders inspire, talk honestly to the issues and ensure that the countries citizens know where they stand so they can make an informed choice. The choice now is more clear then ever, Barack Obama is ready to lead us, McCain is ready to MISlead us.
To "anonymous", we all know your the same person writing this over and over. You make no sense at all. Go home.
Sen. Reid(D) said yesterday (as was reported on cnn and just showed again only 5 min. ago)that they needed McCain to let them know where he stood and to let them know what to do. So now Sen. McCain, steps up as he is supposed to do as a Senator of the United States, says he will suspend his campain for the sake of the country and return to D.C like Sen. Reid(D)had requested and now he is doing this for only a politcal ploy? Look, I know that some of you are frustrated with the world and all, but the fact is this. Sen. McCain and Sen. Obama, are first SENATORS!!!! then they are canidates for President. They both have a responciblity that demand that they be there in Washington to do what they where elected to do and that is to be the Senator that they are!!! They are a part of congress and as such they both, let me repeat, both, have to do their job for all of us!!!!!!! So get off your jabs and jibs and grow up.
McCain is turning out to be just another gutless wonder. He won't let Palin talk and now he is running for cover rather than debate Obama. My advice, face Barack Obama face to face, man to man or get the hell out of the race.
We have a President who is supposed to be in charge.
The debate is on a Friday night.
If Senator Mc Cain is too busy he should ask his VP to stand in.
This is absurd, what is the next ploy to postpone the election?
Well maybe Obama and McCain can do the debate on Friday and each can send their VP pick to the Capitol to help fix the finiancial crisis. Joe Biden is good to go, and Sarah Palin is uh, well....Joe Biden is good to go!
As a political move, I guess we'll just have to see how it plays out. Clearly the McCain camp will be claiming he's Country First, while the Obama camp will be claiming he's Politics First. Which message lands is a toss up imho, and most likely depends on how the pundits tell the majority to think over the next news cycle (is that cynical?).
As a real attempt to deal with the economic crisis, it's just not credible. Neither senator is on the committees that are intended to focus on these things and develop pre-solutions prior to opening up general debate. In every organization, going around the existing structures creates more pandemonium than solutions. As others are already noting, bringing the two candidates, with all that electoral baggage back to Washington, will impede whatever process there is.
It sounds to me that McCain's goal is to do what is best for the country.
Then you are exactly the sort of person this move is aimed at fooling.
This sounds like McCain is trying to weezle his way out of talking about the current issues at hand infront of the American people. What is he going to be doing in Washington while his campagn is shut down. His representative already provided it for us.
McCain would partake in the debate if they passed an agreement, Salter said.
So what will he be doing while they work out the plan? Sitting and getting paid to twittle his thumbs and use the fact that he is in Washington as a political ploy. This is non-sence. It is an act to play the American people. His advisors said hey if you do this it will make people think that you are on top of things. He will not even be involved in the decision making. So whats the point.. AND PLEASE CNN talk about this tonight. Explain clearly to the American people that this is a ploy and that he will not be technically involved and that he is just doing this to minipulate the people in believing that he is actually in charge and actually has a say at this point. The Bush administration states it themselves. They do not wish for this meeting to become a political show of which McCain would like to make it. I tell you what. You want a political show. Put the meeting on TV and let everyone in America see what our Senate and House Values truely are. Let us see what each Senator and House Rep truely thinks. It may shed some light to the American people what most important to our government. The people of whom were subject to this or the people who caused it....
The American people deserve the truth now. They need to be shown what the current party and friends honestly stand for. This is our life's work, our life's savings and our future
Republican lies and political games - how sick I am from these sleazy, greedy, and arrogant people!! They know they are loosing and surely using every tiny opportunity to score political points! This latest crisis began more than a week ago, why McCain suddenly is panicking? Why he decided to do it now?! McCain doesn't understand even basics of economy - he is useless to the bailout discussions anyway! People, I hope you can see through these and other republican lies and political games!! Barack should not agree to anything that McCain is suddenly proposing now. If McCain doesn't show up for the debate, Barack should use this opportunity to talk to people about this economic crisis and what he plans to do.
Obama-Biden 2008!
We need a president who can focus on more than one thing at a time. And it's interesting how this morphed from Obama seeking to make a joint statement to McCain suspending his campaign in a last-ditch effort to "appear Presidential." I hope that America has finally learned her lesson and sees through yet another Rovian, do-anything-to-win-even-if-there's-no -basis-in-reality tactic. How's THAT for a string of adjectives, LOL?
On the surface, it seems like this is a calculated political move by McCain. My guess: McCain got stuck debating foreign policy on a Friday night when most ppl are in wknd mode, disinterested in news & poltirix. So, McCain has focused attn. on this debate by baiting the left into thinking he's "afraid" so as to draw an even larger audience on an otherwise Friday night when only the hard-cores will be waching. McCain knows he'll clean Mr. "zero experience" Obama's clock in a foreign policy debate, but if he does so on a Friday night, chances are no one will be watching to witness it. By doing what he's done, he's either baited Obama or given himself leverage to request a topic change from Foreign Policy to the Economy(Forcing Barry to actually stand for something, rather than being against everything)...leaving the Forieng Policy debate for the next debate? Just a thought. I think it was brilliant. My guess is McCain is banking on the fact the left will squeal like stuck pigs claiming McCain is "afraid" of Obama(hold on...how funny is that? McCain afraid of the studdering Obama on a theme Obama wishes he had 1/4 of the experience McCain has? LMAO). Let's see how this plays out. Right now Obama is busy claiming "I called him first,,it was my idea, not his, me, me, me, me"..lol Want some cheese w/ that whine, Barry?
McCain can't solve the financial crisis...one he said only a few days ago doesn't exist. This is the same man who proclaims he knows nothing about economics...now you're going to help with the financial crisis....?
Anyone who'd cast a vote for you is off their rocker. What a cowardly move. Blantantly cowardly. I called this one weeks ago. I knew he'd try to get out of it...and at the same time expect us Americans to hand over the presidency--without applying for the job---just like choosing ill-qualified Palin to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency. He REALLY believes the American people are stupid. He's not putting "country first" this lunatic is running scared that Friday will CLEARLY demonstrate for the American people that he is totally UNQUALIFIED to be commander and chief. I guess the man that doesn't know how to use email (but somehow invented the Blackberry) apparently can't MULT-TASK either!
Please Americans wake UP!
McCain can't solve the financial crisis...one he said only a few days ago doesn't exist. This is the same man who proclaims he knows nothing about economics...now you're going to help with the financial crisis....?
Anyone who'd cast a vote for you is off their rocker. What a cowardly move. Blantantly cowardly. I called this one weeks ago. I knew he'd try to get out of it...and at the same time expect us Americans to hand over the presidency--without applying for the job---just like choosing ill-qualified Palin to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency. He REALLY believes the American people are stupid. He's not putting "country first" this lunatic is running scared that Friday will CLEARLY demonstrate for the American people that he is totally UNQUALIFIED to be commander and chief. I guess the man that doesn't know how to use email (but somehow invented the Blackberry) apparently can't MULT-TASK either!
Please Americans wake UP!
What exactly is Forieng Policy? Does that pass for foreign policy on McCain's home planet, far, far away from Earth?
If McCain agreed to debate, yet still went to Washington to serve as his state's senator, who would be the bigger fool?
IMHO, this is a great test by the veteran senator, and the junior, from illinois, failed.
To Anonymous...
Neither Obama or McCain is the Speaker of the House or the Senate Major or Minority Leader. Therefore this has to be a political stunt! If McCain really put "Country First" he would tell the American People what he is going to do about this situation when he is President. Obama indicated that he was in constant contact with the leaders of Congress daily. All you need is a phone to communicate with these people. In this era we use phones and computers to communicate. Maybe John McCain is out of touch if he is not grandstanding. Some states are already voting early and the American people need to know what he would do.
Multi-task man..Americans do it everyday...
Let's all remember what both John McCain and Barack Obama's first job is. They were both elected by the people of this great country to be United States Senators. Their presidential campaigns should come second. I see only one of these men doing what they were elected to do. John McCain is the only one that is willing to take action to attempt to fix this issue. All I see again is Barack Obama's attempt to again vote present. Obama does a great job making pretty speeches (written by someone else), but I have yet to see him take any action. When he should be worried about doing his job and working to solve this issue, he is instead once again blabbing on and pointing the finger. All talk and absolutly no action is not very presidential.
Let's all keep in mind that in 3 years in the Senate, Barack Obama took hundreds of thousands of dollars from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. It's hard to fix the problem when you're in the pocket of the problem.
McCain is simply drawing attn. to a Friday night debate hardly anyone would be watching. Brilliant move! If/when Obama gets exposed as the fraud he is on Foreign Policy, odds are no one would have watched it. These debates should be done from Mon-Thurs. McCain has just baited the nation into watching Barack "trainwreck" Obama fall flat on his face.
I fear he's doing Bush's work: act now, Democrats, or there will be no debate and no campaign. So reminiscent of post-9/11.
McCain is just doing this for publicity. I mean he's married to a freakin millionaire..do you really think he cares about anyone else's pockets?
This is total nonsense. The McCain camp will do whatever is necessary to steal the election, even if it requires manipulating the truth and changing the rules.
Run for President or get out of the race.
We've had 8 years of Bush 'going on vacation' when things got tough. McCain is no Maverick. He's more of the same.
This is such an obvious political move -trying to act like he can help with this crisis when he said himself he is not strong in economics and then says the economy is fundamentally strong. He must not be confident going in to the debates and needs an excuse to put them off. He knows he is weak in economics and needs more time. If he's not ready to debate then he's not ready to be president.
Wow Kimberly, that was quite a rant. Did you stamp your feet while you lamented Obama being outmaneuvered? Well I guess you can multitask. God forbid we should, but please allow me to try, to apply the philosophy of logic to your evolved, gripping and poignant commentary. First, how is it that when McCain makes a maneuver, political or genuine it is, ‘a ploy’. But when Obama makes a maneuver, political or genuine such as his 8:30am phone call or his ‘Presidential Address’ at 5:00pm, it is not? The academic answer, which is to say the truth is, you cannot objectively condemn one without condemning the other and expect your opinions to be treated with credibility. In fact, lacking empirical evidence, the responsible observer must accept the actions of both as genuine. Second, if it is a fact that we are in pursuit of the truth it becomes necessary to treat each sample with equal scrutiny. To this end you open yourself up to criticism by making a biased statement by conjecturing that one has “…no scruples or ethics” again without presenting empirical evidence or quantifiable, (nonpartisan) data while remaining suspiciously silent regarding the other. You obviously have not done your homework or you may be compelled to condemn Obama similarly for his actions in the morally questionable way in how he eliminated the competition in his Senatorial race. Lastly, one must ask under what compulsion do you profess to know the mind of McCain so well that you can speak definitively on his patriotism or love for his country? What he has done in the service of this country is a measurable quantity as is what Obama has done in the service of this country. I humbly submit that you place the metaphoric weight of their relative contributions on a scale and weigh them. If you are able to be objective and I’m sure you are, you couldn’t help but see how your statement can’t be supported by fact. If not then well, careful Kimberly, your prejudice is showing.
Hs anyone besides my 74yo mom noticed the physical change in McCain's face? His left eye (on the right in Pic) is drooping and his mouth is pinched somewhat on the same side. What gives? And, are we witnessing the last throws of the Republican party?
Hs anyone besides my 74yo mom noticed the physical change in McCain's face? His left eye (on the right in Pic) is drooping and his mouth is pinched somewhat on the same side. What gives? And, are we witnessing the last throws of the Republican party?
Suspending the campaign is a joke. So we are to somehow see John McCain, who probably ranks in the botton 20% of senators on understanding financial and economic policy, riding into Washington to save the day.
Monty Python can you direct?
All of you who make this stupid, canned argument about multi-tasking and McCain running away, please keep reading.
First, multi-tasking has been proven to be a far less effective work technique than focusing on one issue at a time. It was a term of the 90's that is quickly losing steam, like all other management consulting gibberish. The fact of the matter is, a President has many tasks to do and generally should deal with them as they come in the door and are scheduled. However, when something really important comes up, that leader should stop everything and focus on issues that are important to the people. I would rather have 100% of my leader's attention on how I'm going to keep my job and my house than 50% on that and 50% on how his make-up looks and how his remarks will come off in the Friday debate. We have the most sophisticated economy in the world and one guy in Washington is suggesting using the government to take over the entire financial industry. these are monumental changes to our country's very foundation and deserve the whole attention of the people who we've hired to solve them. Who are those people? Senators, like McCain and Obama. We pay them to fix our problems, not to debate about how they would fix our problems if they only had the chance. WWe have 50 days left to hear about that, but a blank check to Czar Paulson could be signed any minute. Which is really more urgent?
Second, McCain is a coward. The first debate is McCain's softball. He was right about the surge. Actually visited the countries of concern more than 6 months ago, and is favored big time in the polls for his foreign policy experience. There is no reason for him to be scared. Obama, on the other hand, woudl love to bury the worst of the debates for him beneath this financial crisis. No one will talk about the debate on Monday, they will be talking about Paulson's promotion to king. It is a perfect time for Obama to show his foreign policy vulnerability because no one will listen or care. Trust me, the only one who is doing any political posturing and is scared of holding a debate when people will actually pay attention is Obama.
Obama repeatedly stressed at his news conference that he called McCain first to propose that they issue a joint statement in support of a package to help fix the economy as soon as possible. He said McCain called back several hours later, as Obama was leaving a rally in Florida, and agreed to the idea of a statement but also said he wanted to postpone the debate and hold joint meetings in Washington.
"Obama said he suggested they first issue a joint statement showing bipartisanship.
"When I got back to the hotel, he had gone on television to announce what he was going to do," Obama said.
Jimmy Cracked Corn and I Don't Care!!! I can['t believe this grandstanding as if a man who admittedly knows little about money and banking, or how many checking accounts he has, what possible advice can he muster up to patch the hole in the American tire???!!!
Who gave him this advice, Rove?
I smell fear in the GOP and it's about time. Here's a nifty treat of nostalgia!! Wasn't it GW SR> who was President when ther S&L crisis, and the Keating 5 debacle took place? Why is it when there's a Bush in the white house the whole country goes to hell in a handbasket!!!?????
This is another example of how Senator John McCain puts country first. All Obama cares about is winning the election at any cost. Obama neglected his duties as U.S. Senator before running for President, and especially after he began running for President. Keep America strong and safe ... Elect McCain/Palin in November.
So McCain wants to move the debate to Oct 2nd and push Biden Palin back.....hmmmmm so lets just have them the VP's on Friday night......or nothing.....we need to see one of you Friday....STOP RUNNING STAND UP AND TELL US WHAT YOUR STAND FOR!!!! STOP RUNNNG
Okay, in the words of Homer Simpson......DOOOOOEEEE!!!!! WTF???? Postpone a presidential debate??? Is this real life??? First thing I thought, "Wow, someone's doddging!!!" You want to help the American people??? HOW!!!!!!!!!!?????? HOW ARE YOU GONNA DO IT JOHNNY????!!!! NOTHING, I MEAN NOTHING MORE THAN A WEAK PLOY TO GET SYMPATHY VOTES. If any candidate wants to help with this newly added American debacle, then do it when the time is right, during the "economy phase" of the presidential debates. Everything this McCain campaign does turns me and hopefully the rest of the American voters......OFF. From attempting to postpone a debate, picking a grocer mom to hold the second highest office in the world, to giving her a crash course with world leaders, while at the same time not letting her answer any questions on her own IF AT ALL!!!! WHO CANNOT SEE THAT NEITHER REPUB. CANDIDATE IS PREPARED?????? NO MORE AVERAGE JOES OR JILLS IN THE OVAL OFFICE PLEASE. And for god's sake..Bill Clinton....SHUT-UP!!!! LATER.
McCain-Palin are scared. McCain is a lame-duck speaker at best, and the McCain campaign doesn’t want Palin opening her crazed mouth in public anymore either…she always finds a way to put her foot in it and make them look even more incapable than they already are. It's a very poorly executed political stunt...what can he do about the economy that the 98 Senators can't already do, their ratings dropped and this is their move...too bad for McCain they weren't as sneaky as they thought they'd be, unfortunately for them Americans have woken up. Palin's already proven that she knows little to nothing about politics, that's why it took her FIVE different Colleges to graduate, yes, Junior College. Palin is not the brightest bulb in the box and she's definately a few sandwiches short of a picnic, it evidently runs in her family as we've seen. Because of McCain and Palin our traditionally staunch Republican family will be voting Democratic for the first time in all of our lives. Many other ‘Republican’ families we’ve spoke to will be voting Democratic this year as well. And we're not having our sons die in some meaningless/lost war because some old man has a grudge from over 50 years ago against a few countries.
Either one of three things need to happen Friday night, either change the topics of the first debate from foriegn policy to economic, have the VP debate Friday Sept. 25th, or HAVE THE ORIGINAL DAMN DEBAT!!!! (*pardon my French* :) ). Again quit doddging McCain, your already making broken promises in the name of country!!!!!!!! (sounds like Iraq to me)
If Mccain is too scared to debate Friday, he should let his pig off the leash and debate Obama. Palin has bigger nuts than Mccain does. Mccain knows nothing more than instilling fear in the American people, and then using it to his advantage. Although I seriously question his though processes on making this decision to bail out of the debates at a critical juncture when Americans have to wait two years to see it, and are given only 40 days before the election to choose. What a whimp. Mccain is not a leader. He is a senile crumrudgeon.
Obama wins.
Does he need a nap? Maybe he can't do two things at once like Obama wants to do? This is an excuse and shows us what kind of president he will be.
What is McNot going to do? Go to Washington, swoop down from a Black Hawk, announce "I'm Here to save the world, wearing his Superman cape. What an idiot, he has not voted since april, why in the world does he think they need him now! McCain + Palin = Dumb & Dumber!
McCain's a cluck who has lost his feathers (a bare naked chicken in other words)! This is wrong and the voters should know it. Yes, he should be able to multi-task, as others have said, and no, he didn't put the country first. The debates are about the country watching to him think on his feet for us all to make a decision regarding his reasoning skills. We can't do that nearly as well when he's hiding in Washington talking behind closed doors to whomever, then claiming he made a contribution. This is a stinging reminder that this 72 year old can't handle the heat!
I take my last comment back. Only 1 thing needs to happen Friday Sept. 25th, the men that have been chosen to become the new president need to PUT UP OR SHUT UP!!!! How in the hell does a man change history by postoponing a presidental debate?????? Just like when Bush offered extending daylight savings time to save energy...sure just change the sky from blue to purple. Disgusting Bush and McSame are.
McCain makes moves like these to do either one of 2 things, or both: He slips in the polls then does things for shock and awe (postpone a debate, similiar to how Bush lost in 2000 then stole votes from his brothers home state, or McCain slipping and then bring in a grocer mom).....OR......He realizes he is so rich and we are so not (at least I'm not) that we're starving physically and mentally and will accept the newer thing at the time. Not I, I won't be fooled. I'm going with the most intelligent, the most consistent and the candidate with the less bagagge.....OBAMA!!!!!!
Liberals are funny. You just can’t accept that the candidate for the opposition has outmaneuvered the anointed one. Had the situation been reversed and Obama suspended his campaign you would all be lionizing his noble and selfless decision. The funny part is watching you degenerate into panic mode now that McCain has seized the initiative.
No-- it would have looked like just as desperate of a political ploy had Obama dropped 10 or more points in the polls and then called for a time out and asked to delay the debate... the Republicans would have had a field day.
McCain and Obama issue joint statement on economy - it is pure meaningless platitudes. Then Marc Ambinder discovers Obama had proposed some meat for the statement and McCain said no. These are the principles McCain could not agree to:
First, there must be oversight. We should not hand over a blank check to the discretion of one man. We support an independent, bipartisan board to ensure accountability and complete transparency.
Second, we need to protect taxpayers. There should be a path for taxpayers to recover their money, and to turn a profit if Wall Street prospers.
Third, no Wall Street executive should profit from taxpayer dollars. This plan cannot be a welfare program for CEOs whose greed and irresponsibility has contributed to this crisis.
Fourth, we must help families who are struggling to stay in their homes. We cannot bail out Wall Street without helping millions of families facing foreclosure on Main Street.
Fifth, we both agree that this financial rescue package should move on its own without any earmarks or other measures. We have different views about the need for other action, but this must be a clean bill.
This is a time to rise above politics for the good of the country. We cannot risk an economic catastrophe. This is not a Democratic problem or a Republican problem - this is an American problem. Now, we must find an American solutions.
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