Wednesday, November 08, 2006

rumsfeld resigns

Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld tendered his resignation today in the wake of the Democrats taking control of the House and possibly the Senate in yesterday's midterm elections.

President Bush and Rumsfeld apparently agreed to allow a "fresh perspective" on Iraq after many Republicans were unseated, presumably because of their support of the botched war. CNN pundit Lou Dobbs says that Rumsfeld does not have any regrets about Iraq and has not conceded any policy failures.

Prominent Democrats and varied critics within the military and from elsewhere have called for Rumsfeld's resignation for weeks. Rep. Nancy Pelosi, the next Speaker of the House, confirmed today that she was happy to hear of the resignation and considered it "a signal of hope" for change in Iraq.

Bush has nominated former CIA Director Robert Gates, currently the president of Texas A&M University, to the position. Rumsfeld will continue serving in his capacity until the Senate can confirm his successor in January. "If confirmed by the Senate, I will serve with all my heart, and with gratitude to the president for giving me the opportunity to do so," Gates said.

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