Wednesday, December 17, 2008
salazar, vilsack chosen for obama cabinet
"Together, they will serve as guardians of the American landscape on which the health of our economy and the well-being of our families so heavily depend," Obama said in introducing Salazar and Vilsack as his latest Cabinet picks. "How we harness our natural resources, from the farmlands of Iowa to the springs of Colorado, will speak not only to our quality of life, but to our economic growth and our energy future."Obama made several other Cabinet announcements this week -- the superintendent of public schools in Chicago, Arne Duncan, will be secretary of education, and an entire energy and climate team was announced in anticipation for combating global warming.
Obama, promising to address global warming and energy sources, formally named the rest of his team today: physics Nobel laureate Dr. Steven Chu as his Energy Secretary; Lisa Jackson as his Environmental Protection Agency Administrator; Nancy Sutley as his chair of the Council on Environmental Quality; and Carol Browner as assistant to the president for Energy and Climate Change, a new post.
Friday, December 12, 2008
no open couch at white house for the obamas
The White House has turned down a request from the family of President-elect Barack Obama to move into Blair House in early January so that his daughters can start school on Jan. 5.The Obamas were told that Blair House, where incoming presidents usually stay in the five days before Inauguration Day, is booked in early January, a spokesperson to the Obama transition said. “We explored the idea so that the girls could start school on schedule,’ the spokesperson said. “But, there were previously scheduled events and guests that couldn’t be displaced.”
It remained unclear who on Bushes guest list outranked the incoming President.
The Blair House will become available to the Obamas on Jan. 15.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
daschle picked for health and human services
Daschle’s pick was overshadowed by the high drama of Obama’s first news conference since the scandal surrounding his Illinois Senate seat broke, but both men pressed on.In addition to the HHS post, Daschle, a former U.S. senator for South Dakota as well as Majority Leader from 2001-2003, will craft Obama's universal health care plan.
Obama announced that Daschle, 61, also will head the White House Office of Health Reform, and that his deputy in that job will be Jeanne Lambrew, his co-author on a book on health care reform.
clinton would take pay cut at state department
An obscure section on compensation for public officials, the Emoluments Clause, says that no member of Congress can be appointed to a government post if that job's pay was increased during the lawmaker's current term.As it turns out, the position of secretary of State received a pay raise during Clinton's tenure as New York's junior senator. So in order to keep things on the up and up, her congressional colleagues have changed it back.
Clinton would make about $4,700 less as secretary of state than her predecessor, Condoleezza Rice.Clinton's new salary will be $186,600, still an improvement over her compensation as a senator.
Congress late Wednesday lowered the salary for the nation's top diplomat to keep Clinton's nomination from running afoul of the Constitution.
Not everyone is pleased, though, and conservative watchdog groups may challenge her appointment as the nation's top diplomat, not sure that Congress' pay cut satisfies the constitutional requirement.
Clinton's confirmation hearings will likely begin next month.But Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, said Thursday that Congress’ action has never been tested in court, and he says his group is considering litigation in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia to challenge her appointment.
“In our view, it is an end-run around the Constitution,” Fitton said. “We are contemplating our next steps.”
will the blagojevich scandal hurt obama?
Although the Illinois governor has been under investigation on federal corruption charges for years (as most Chicago politicians are, by default), Blagojevich’s arrest on Tuesday morning at his home definitely sealed the deal.Obama claims he did not know about and had no involvement in the scandal. In fact, some reports show that someone on Obama's staff may have actually blown the whistle on the governor's office.
Aside from numerous other charges, Blagojevich was indicted for “wide-ranging criminal conspiracy,” including his efforts to “sell or trade” President-elect Obama’s vacant Senate seat in exchange for financial benefits for him and his wife, Patti. What is this, wife swapping?
On Tuesday afternoon, the governor appeared in court and was released on $4,500 bail. And now, he’s back at work. Unless Illinois lawmakers act fast to impeach, Blagojevich will still be able to name Obama’s successor. In other words, he’s still open for business.
The President-elect gamely fielded three questions on the issue and addressed it in his opening remarks, saying (twice) that he was appalled and disappointed "by the revelations earlier this week." He declared that he "had no contact with the governor's office" and "did not speak to the governor" about the process of who should replace him as Senator. "That I know for certain," Obama said.Do you believe him? Do you think the public will? Or will this home-state scandal tied so closely to the new president affect his credibility? You decide.
So far, others have also been implicated in the scandal -- including Jesse Jackson, Jr., who reportedly offered up to $500,000 in fundraising for the governor in exchange for the vacant Senate seat.
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
homeless in austin: an insider's view
You can read Part Two here.Hard times have hit us all at one time or another. We have seen the high unemployment numbers and the dismal forecast for economy in America. I never thought as a college graduate I would have an inside view of the day to day struggles of the homeless but I am there and will share my experiences so that people might gain a better insight and understanding of the plight we are facing in America.
I have been unemployed since March of 2008. Without unemployment benefits, I took to couch surfing and doing odd jobs for cash. Once the 2008 general elections were over and a new era in American History began, I started a new journey of my own. I spent a few weeks in a weekly motel that cost enough per week that I could have rented an apartment if I had not been evicted back in June. I realized that not only had I run out of money but I had also run out of options. I finally had to admit I needed more help than was available and I would have to take drastic steps. I moved my computer and many possessions that would not fit in a rolling suitcase and left them with a friend. I spent one last night on another friend's sofa and then I was truly on the streets and homeless.
I arrived at Sally (The Salvation Army) and found out they do a raffle every morning for beds that become available in the men's dorm. I was there at 8:45 am and waited as I watched more and more men file in hoping to get a bed for Wednesday night. The counselor came out and asked how many men were there for a bed. 15 men ranging in age from 18 to 70 raised their hands. The counselor said they only had two beds. As he walked around the room with a hat with 15 slips of paper, he informed us if we got a number we had a bed but if not we would have to try again the next day. I was not one of the lucky ones.
Realizing I had to do something I started asking questions and was told that I could try the lottery at ARCH (Austin Resource Center for the Homeless) at 6pm. I took my rolling suitcase and Netroots nation bag and headed over to ARCH to ask questions. I had to wait in line to get in and then have my bags go through an x-ray security machine like the ones they sue at the airport and then file through a metal detector. I went to the desk and asked what I need to do and to verify times for the lottery. I was also informed that if the temperature was below 40 degrees, they would allow more people to stay. The first night I was lucky enough to draw a number which meant I could sleep on a mat on the floor in the lobby of ARCH.
Once the lottery was over I was led into the building and told I would have to take a shower. The ARCH does not provide towels and since I had not thought to back one, I had to dry off with paper towels. I was then given a thin pallet to sleep on. Well, I would not exactly call it sleeping. I lay on the pallet with a coat and a sweatshirt rolled up as a pillow. I had another coat that I used as a blanket. I was close to the stairs that led upstairs to the bathrooms and people were walking by my head all night. There was snoring, coughing, people crying out in their sleep and even a few arguments. Lights out was at 9:30 but if you have ever been by ARCH you know they have security lights that are on 24/7. Reading was not a problem since I could not really sleep. At 4:30 am the people on the first floor were awakened so they could start setting up the lobby for the day. They served us coffee and granola bars. I had survived my first night as a homeless person.
The next two nights I was lucky enough to win cold weather lotteries and spend the night at two different churches who fed us dinner and breakfast before sending us back to ARCH. On Saturday morning, I was finally able to get assigned a bed at Sally. I no longer have to fear not having a bed as long as I follow all the rules. There are many rules and hoops you must jump through to qualify for the different programs and I will be discussing those and my life as a homeless person in future installments. Being limited to an hour on a computer at the library and having to have others post for me, restricts what I can do as a blogger. Look for future installments soon.
Monday, December 08, 2008
richardson to head commerce
Our friends at Dos Centavos argue that sending Richardson to Commerce is a good move. Richardson takes up the post with experience in creating jobs and with negotiation. He was also the governor of a border state, and is uniquely qualified to handle issues of undocumented labor.
We wish Richardson luck in his new position, and welcome him to the Obama administration!
now playing: milk
Go see Milk today! It's sure to be nominated for countless awards, and we think it was one of the best films of the year. Just don't see it at Cinemark! Harvey Milk would not have wanted companies supporting Prop 8 to benefit from him.
The movie depicts Milk, played by Sean Penn, and chronicles his rise and fall, culminating in his assassination. This is definitely a must-see movie! It also stars James Franco, Josh Brolin, and Emile Hirsch.
Update: Milk is already set to receive its first major award!
Monday, December 01, 2008
a resounding endorsement
The selection of Senator Clinton represents an important first step down a new path for American foreign policy -- an enormous shift represented by the selection of a champion of women's health and rights to be in charge of America foreign policy.Read the rest of the article here. We agree with Richards -- Clinton is a magnificent pick for this job. We congratulate her and are excited to continue on this journey with Obama, Clinton, and the rest of the new team for a new America.
As first lady and as a U.S. senator, Hillary Clinton visited more than 80 nations, but for a majority of the world's population, her unique quality may be her gender. Senator Clinton understands that improving the status of women is not simply a moral imperative; it is necessary to building democracies around the globe. Improving the status of women is key to creating stable families, stable communities, and stable countries. Women's ability to control the size of their families, regardless of economics, nationality, or culture, has a direct impact on their economic well-being and that of their children. Senator Clinton understands that women's quality of life directly affects the major issues confronting the globe: national security, environmental sustainability, and global poverty.
the obama administration
Joe Biden, Vice President
Rahm Emanuel, Chief of Staff
Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State
Robert Gates, Secretary of Defense
Timothy Geithner, Secretary of the Treasury
Eric Holder, U.S. Attorney General
James L. Jones, National Security Adviser
Janet Napolitano, Secretary of Homeland Security
Robert Gibbs, Press Secretary
Susan Rice, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations
Following today's announcement of the national security team, we're still awaiting announcements from the president-elect on his choices for domestic leaders for Secretary of Energy, Secretary of Commerce, Secretary of Education, and Secretary of Health and Human Services.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
the black list
Check out the full list and make sure you aren't a patron of any of these businesses.
Friday, November 21, 2008
attorney general collapses during speech
Attorney General Michael B. Mukasey collapsed last evening while delivering a speech to a prominent legal group and was rushed to George Washington University Hospital.Our thoughts and prayers are with Mukasey and his family tonight. We're hoping for a speedy recovery.
Mukasey remained at the hospital overnight for observation but a Justice Department spokesman said Mukasey had strong vital signs and was "in good spirits" after the incident, which occurred at an annual Federalist Society gathering. A person who attended the dinner said Mukasey was visibly shaking and perhaps slurring his words before he fell to the floor.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
the trashing of a former president (throwing bill clinton under the bus)
Since then, people have blamed Clinton for sinking his wife Sen. Hillary Clinton's presidential ambitions. People, especially the pundits, have been chattering since before the New York senator even conceded about the former president's role on the campaign trail.
After his wife's concession and endorsement of Barack Obama for president, they continued to denigrate Bill Clinton by saying that he wasn't fully on board, he wasn't doing what was asked of him by the Obama campaign, that he didn't really want Obama to be elected, and that he and Hillary would likely vote for John McCain so she could run for president again in four years.
Now, as reports abound that Hillary has been offered the secretary of state position in the incoming Obama administration, the networks can't stop discussing whether or not Bill will cost her the cabinet post.
I think it's high time that we take a step back and remember the 1990s. Under President Clinton's purview, economic growth was positive. And when Clinton left office, armed conflict around the world was at an all-time low. We truly were experiencing a time of peace and prosperity.
And even though the Clintons lost the health care battle in their day, their hard work on introducing the issue on the national stage will make it that much easier for the Obama administration to assemble and pass a national health care plan.
Let's stop attempting to tarnish President Clinton's legacy, and instead honor and respect the great work that was accomplished in the Clinton years. The Republicans have done enough to try and bring down the Clintons-- we don't need good Democrats following their lead.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
democrats take alaskan senate seat
At least one of them is going to have a happy ending.
While we wait for the runoff in Georgia and the recount in Minnesota, the tallies are nearly complete in Alaska and it appears that Sen. Ted Stevens, the long-standing Alaskan Republican known in his state as "Uncle Ted", will lose his seat to Anchorage Mayor Mark Begich.
Sen. Ted Stevens, the longest serving Republican in Senate history, narrowly lost his re-election bid Tuesday, marking the downfall of a pillar of the U.S. Senate and Alaska icon who apparently couldn't survive his conviction on federal corruption charges. His defeat to Anchorage Mayor Mark Begich moves Senate Democrats closer to a filibuster-proof 60-vote majority.The slim margin by which Begich has prevailed may trigger a recount, but reports say that the remaining ballots to be counted come from Anchorage, where Begich is the mayor.Stevens' ouster on his 85th birthday marks an abrupt realignment in Alaska politics and will alter the power structure in the Senate, where he has served since the days of the Johnson administration while holding seats on some of the most influential committees in Congress.
Stevens' downfall was being indicted and found guilty of seven charges of making false statements. The lame duck senator could face up to five years of prison for each count.
Things are looking up on Sarah Palin's cold frontier.
vice president cheney indicted
A grand jury in south Texas indicted Vice President Dick Cheney and former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales on separate charges related to alleged prisoner abuse in federal detention centers, Willacy County District Attorney Juan Angel Guerra told CNN Tuesday.Cheney is the first vice president to be indicted by a Federal grand jury since Aaron Burr in 1803. We're going to be following this story closely, as the outcome could be very, very interesting. What do you think should happen to the outgoing vice president?On the southern tip of Texas, Willacy County is on the United States-Mexico border.
Democratic state Sen. Eddie Lucio, Jr. is also charged in the indictment. Michael R. Cowen, an attorney for Lucio, issued a statement calling Guerra a "one man circus."
All we can say is, "Wow!"
Saturday, November 15, 2008
protesting prop 8 in washington, dc
We were able to attend the march on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. and were happy to join with thousands of others in support of equal rights for all families. There was very little resistance and lots of those on the roads were honking and waving in support, including a Metro bus driver. The march began at the Reflecting Pool in front of the U.S. Capitol and ended at the White House, where a helicopter could be seen landing toward the end of the march. Wonder if President Bush witnessed our demonstration?
Throughout the march, protesters chanted: "What do we want? EQUAL RIGHTS. When do we want it? NOW!" It was an invigorating experience for those involved as they marched on Washington, many for the first time. Signs read, "Hate is not a family value," "Let's vote on your marriage," among hundreds of other creative slogans against hate.
People were fired up for marriage equality. Even pouring rain didn't end our march for rights!
If you have pictures and stories from protests in North Texas, send us a note at We'd love to hear from you about your experience.
We've already heard that over 2,000 people attended the rally in Austin. We're proud of our fellow Texans for standing up for equality!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
secretary of state clinton?
All of the hard work that Sen. Hillary Clinton put in by hitting the campaign trail and making eloquent and passionate speeches on behalf of Barack Obama was paid off on Election Day, but she may be in for yet another reward.
Rumor has it that President-Elect Obama is not interested in the names that are vying for the Secretary of State slot in his new administration, such as Sen. John Kerry and Gov. Bill Richardson.
Two Obama advisers have told NBC News that Hillary Clinton is under consideration to be secretary of state. Would she be interested? Those who know Clinton say possibly. But her office says that any decisions about the transition are up to the president-elect and his team.Speculation increased after Clinton boarded a flight to Chicago today, though an adviser claimed it was for personal business.
UPDATE: ABC News has a a knowledgeable source calling talks of Clinton being tapped "very serious" and Politico reports Obama sources calling her "the favorite."
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
grandma returns (strayhorn to run for austin mayor)
Carole Keeton Strayhorn, former State Comptroller and Austin mayor, is ready to jump back into the political scene after a failed bid for governor in 2006.
Burnt Orange Report says that Strayhorn has appointed a treasurer and filed necessary paperwork to run for mayor of Austin.
This should be interesting!
Strayhorn served as Austin's mayor for three terms, from 1977 to 1983. Her resume also includes several other notable accomplishments:
She is the first woman elected as mayor of Austin and the first Austin mayor elected to three consecutive terms. She was the first woman elected to the Texas Railroad Commission and the first woman elected as comptroller. She also was the first woman to serve as president of the Austin school board and as president of the Austin Community College board.Throughout Strayhorn's lengthy career in Texas politics, she has been a Democrat, a Republican, and most recently an independent. We hear that the mayor position in Austin is supposed to be non-partisan, but we still wonder what she'll be this time!
it's not over (dems fight on in three states)
In Minnesota, comedian-turned-politician Al Franken is trying to unseat Republican Sen. Norm Coleman. The state is undertaking what appears to be a recount as only about 200 votes separate the two candidates.
Down in Georgia, Democratic candidate Jim Martin has forced Republican Sen. Saxby Chambliss into a runoff election. We'll know the fate of that Senate seat after the results come in from the Dec. 2 contest. (By the way, Chambliss seems to think that he's in a runoff because so many black people voted in Georgia.)
And finally, there's a showdown taking place in Sarah Palin's stomping grounds of Alaska! It seems that voters, even those that are traditonally Republican, don't take kindly to their senator being convicted of three felonies during a re-election campaign. Alaskan officials are still counting the votes, which at last count showed Anchorage Mayor Mark Begich ahead by a razor-thin margin of only three votes. The state Democratic Party is "cautiously optimistic."
It's going to take hard work, but Democrats could win these three seats. And if that were to happen, they would be entering the next session of Congress with a filibuster-proof supermajority of 60 solid Democratic votes, with or without Joe Lieberman in the caucus.
We can't wait to see the results of these exciting races! We'll keep you posted on the outcomes. In the meantime, please consider making contributions to Jim Martin's runoff campaign in Georgia.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
stop the hate, defeat prop 8
There are two events of this kind in North Texas, so take your pick and show up to one or the other. The time for silence is over. It's time to stand up and fight for our rights and the rights of our family, friends, and neighbors.
WHEN: Saturday Nov. 15, 2008 @ 12:30 p.m.
WHERE: Dallas City Hall @ 1500 Marilla Dr.
WHEN: Saturday Nov. 15, 2008 @ 12:30 p.m.
WHERE: Courthouse on the Square @ 110 W. Hickory St.
Saturday, November 08, 2008
stop the hate - dallas protest tomorrow
Stop the hate in Dallas!
Here's your chance to speak out against bigotry and hate in our hometown.
Tomorrow morning, a local church called First Baptist Dallas plans to give a hateful sermon preaching about why it's not okay to be gay. If you disagree with this assessment and think that it's okay, in your eyes and God's, to be who you are, please attend tomorrow's protest.
Please be at 1707 San Jacinto in Dallas tomorrow morning at 10 a.m. for the protest.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
brimer not letting go
PoliTex says that this afternoon, the Wendy Davis campaign had yet to receive a congratulatory call, and no concession statement had been made from the state senator, a Tarrant County Republican.
Brimer, who lost by about 7,000 votes to the former Fort Worth City Councilwoman, was unavail
able for comment when called Tuesday night by the Star-Telegram. His campaign spokesman, Jarod Cox, said they were waiting for more complete results before commenting.
When 100 percent of the precincts were reported by Tarrant County elections officials late Tuesday night, Brimer still did not call with a comment.
tie game (dems make gains in texas house)
With most of the races completed, Democrats have picked up a net gain of three seats in the 150-member House. They flipped six seats that had been held by Republicans and lost three of their own seats. And there's an Irving seat where GOP incumbent Linda Harper-Brown has eeked by with a 25-vote margin (out of 40,700 votes cast), but there are still provisional ballots to count and a recount in the race is almost certain.If the Democrats are able to flip Harper-Brown's seat in a recount, then the Texas House would be tied with 75 Republican members and 75 Democrats. That could mean that a speaker race which could end with a Democrat as Speaker of the Texas House.
As we head into redistricting, it's more important than ever to have Democrats in control of the state legislature. And it's looking more and more like a real possibility after yesterday.
wendy wins! (davis defeats brimer in sd10)
Tarrant County voters chose to send change to Austin, rejecting the same old divisive Republican tricks offered by Kim Brimer.
Congratulations, Wendy! You endured a hard-fought campaign and we hope you're enjoying this moment- we can't wait for you to get to work in Austin to continue your tradition of making Tarrant County and Texas better with your service. Thank you, and way to go!
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
real-time election results on twitter
this is it
Today is Election Day 2008. Hopefully, by tonight we'll know who'll be our next president.
With your help and your vote, we can usher in a new progressive era of hope and change. We can elect Democrats up and down the ballot that will help make the necessary reforms that will get our country headed back in the right direction. The results of this most consequential election will determine the future of our country. No less hangs in the balance.
Many have speculated what this country would look like if Al Gore had become the president eight years ago instead of George W. Bush. Let's not spend the next eight years wondering what might have been. Let's make our hopes and dreams a reality. Let's vote for real progress, instead of divisive Washington politics that's gotten us nowhere.
Let our vote be a resounding demand to end the war in Iraq, work toward universal health care, end tax cuts for corporations outsourcing our jobs, and become independent from foreign oil by investing in new and alternative forms of energy. Let our vote tell the government that we will no longer accept it prying into our bedrooms and doctor's offices, but will instead send it where it's most needed- our schools.
Most of all, let our vote tell the youth of this country that we care about their future. That we want them to inherit an earth better than that which we received.
We hope you'll take the time to vote today, if you haven't already. Vote for your future. And vote for ours.
North Texas Liberal endorses Barack Obama for president of the United States.
Monday, November 03, 2008
miller, kirk being considered for obama cabinet
Once again, Vince Leibowitz Capitol Annex has the scoop.
Leibowitz also notes that former Dallas mayor Ron Kirk may be up for Secretary of Commerce.Congressman Chet Edwards (D-Waco) is reportedly a possibility for the Secretary of Veterans Affairs post in an Obama cabinet, but a longshot as him vacating his seat would undoubtedly leave it in Republican Hands. In addition, former Dallas Mayor Laura Miller is reportedly under consideration for an Obama administration post, although what that post might be and whether it is a cabinet-level post is uncertain.
We’ve also heard that Houston Mayor Bill White is “on the list,” for consideration, but for what post remains to be seen.
We've got our fingers crossed for both of our hometown candidates!
could alaska go blue?
Yes, the same Alaska whose governor, Sarah Palin, is the vice-presidential candidate on the GOP ticket.
A Hays Research statewide survey in Alaska taken yesterday gave John McCain 46.6% of the vote, while Barack Obama garnered 43.9%. Factoring in those that were leaning one way or the other, the numbers are 48-45. That would mean that the Democrats are only down in Alaska by a mere three points, which is within the margin of error of the poll.
According to RealClearPolitics, however, an average of October polling puts the Republican ticket more than 15 points ahead of Obama in the state.
While it would be a total rejection of the Republican Party if the Democrats were to prevail in Palin's home state, we think it's much more likely for Obama to carry McCain's state, Arizona.
palin continues desperate "terrorist" talk
In the process, she's helping to confirm in people's minds how sad the back-to-the-wall Republican campaign has become.
At a rally in Missouri today, Palin asked:
"What do they think? Do they think the terrorists have all the sudden become the good guys and changed their minds? No, the terrorists still seek to destroy America and her allies and all that it is that we stand for: freedom, tolerance, and equality. The terrorists have not changed their minds."You can watch a video of her remarks below.
We hope that the American people will repudiate this despicable style of negative campaign when they head to the polls tomorrow to elect a president. We don't need more dirty politics in Washington- we need change. Real change.
madelyn dunham, obama's grandmother, dies at 86
Our thoughts and prayers are with the Obama family as they face this tragedy on the eve of the election. No matter who you're voting for tomorrow, please keep the Obamas in mind tonight."She was the person who encouraged and allowed us to take chances. She was proud of her grandchildren and great-grandchildren and left this world with the knowledge that her impact on all of us was meaningful and enduring. Our debt to her is beyond measure."
Obama and [sister Maya] Soetoro-Ng asked that donations be made for the search for a cure for cancer in lieu of flowers. A small private ceremony will be held "at a later date."
Dunham passed away peacefully at her home shortly before midnight Sunday night (5 a.m. ET), campaign spokeswoman Jen Psaki told CNN. She said Obama learned of her death around 8 a.m.
The Democratic presidential candidate left the campaign trail on October 23 and flew to Honolulu, Hawaii, to spend the day with Dunham, whose health deteriorated after she suffered a broken hip.
His wife, Michelle Obama, filled in for him at events in Columbus and Akron, Ohio, on October 24.
Obama said in an interview taped for that day's "Good Morning America" that Dunham had been "inundated" with flowers and messages from strangers who read about her in Obama's 1995 book, "Dreams From My Father."
"Maybe she is getting a sense of long-deserved recognition toward the end of her life," he said.
Texas Blog Roundup: November 3, 2008
In the meantime, here is your Election Eve edition of the Texas Progressive Alliance's weekly roundup.
Bradley from North Texas Liberal lets us know that you should be careful not to lose your vote if you have to use an electronic voting machine, like TV personality Oprah Winfrey almost did.
jobsanger believes an avalanche of new voters could produce some surprises on election day, including the possibility that Georgia will turn blue, and even though an amazing 23% of Texans think Obama is muslim, a huge turnout in the urban areas and South Texas could produce some surprises in Texas, and early voting totals show this is happening.
Justin at AAA-Fund Blog is glad that 60% of Asian Americans polled in Harris County support the Democrats. He also is glad that voting this year was not a chore as it often feels. Justinurges everyone to support AAA-Fund's five Texas endorsees: Rick Noriega, Al Green, Nick Lampson, Hubert Vo, and Sandra VuLe.
It's been an exciting week for Democrats. First up was Hank Gilbert asking a Cornyn staffer to take a walk from a Rick Noriega event. Then there was Texas Blogger (and current TPA Chair) Vince Leibowitz spanking the Mike McCaul campaign for their amateurish content theft. Finally, we at McBlogger received word that Dr. Dobson had traveled to the future and didn't like what he saw. Which is something you'll probably love.
Vince at Capitol Annex tells us how State Rep. John Davis (R-Clear Lake) is sending out his wife to attack Netroots backed candidate Sherrie Matula (D-Houston). In return, he opens John Davis' own personal Pandora's Box and tells the world about Davis' record.
The Texas Cloverleaf notes that Barack Obama leads John McCain in fundraising in Denton County of all places! In nonpartisan news, while Obama is raising money, Ron Natinsky is spending it. The Dallas City Councilmember is spending your tax dollars on trinkets bearing his name. In shocking news, a 9 year old is electrocuted by a McCain-Palin yard sign. No, we couldn't make this stuff up if we wanted to.
After record breaking early voting in Williamson County, Eye On Williamson is ready for the general election. The HD-52 race has been the focus of attention this election cycle. The issues concerning voters in HD-52 include the Trans-Texas Corridor, insurance reform, and the economy. No matter the issue Diana Maldonado is the best choice in HD-52.
WhosPlayin looks at the early voting turnout in Texas' 26th Congressional District, and thinks Ken Leach just might be able to upset incumbent Michael Burgess. WhosPlayin asks you to guess whether this incident of political suppression happened in Liberia or Texas. (Hint: It was Harris County, Texas.) Most of all, WhosPlayin wants Denton County residents to get to the polls and VOTE!
Off the Kuff takes his last looks at early voting, and makes fun of some whining by Republican enablers Texans for Lawsuit Reform.
El Paso is going Democratic in a big way. As El Paso goes so should South Texas. CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme is looking for a blue, blue Thanksgiving!
BossKitty at TruthHugger is laments pre-election jitters, Oh The Stress Of It All - Op Ed, and how many years will it take to recover because, Divided We Fall.
Neil at Texas Liberal says think about the future when you vote. Don't be like Galveston voters who in 1886, 14 years before the 1900 hurricane, voted no on building a seawall. Texas Liberal also offers up a post on how Texans have voted for President since 1948, and, finally, submits for your review some election predictions.
Over at TexasKaos, TxSharon tells us that somebody is finally looking at the Barnett Shale Gas Wells . Its called accountability and its about time. Boadicea provides some excellent resources/talking points on the ACORN non-story. Give a look. TxSharon kicks off a lively debate on the the training of 4000 troops in the use of non-lethal weapons for possible domestic use.
Texas politics is screwed up for at least two obvious reasons this week: because Tom Craddick has his debates sponsored by AT&T -- complete with a lobbyist on the panel, and because 23% of all Texans think Barack Obama is a Muslim. The sad details at Brains and Eggs.
At Three Wise Men, Nat-Wu discusses the long tradition in the Republican of crying wolf about voter fraud in an effort to minorities from legitimately exercising their right to vote, and Xanthippas rips into anti-woman bloggers for brewing up a faux controversy over their DART bus ads.
Sunday, November 02, 2008
oprah almost loses her vote!
"When I voted yesterday electronically, the first vote that you vote for on the ballot is the presidential candidate. It was my first time doing electronic, so I didn't mark the X strong enough, or I held down too long. Because then when I went back to check it, it had not recorded my presidential vote," she said.
She then simulated her meltdown, shaking and breathing heavily while stuttering out the words, "It didn't record my presidential vote."
Otherwise, have fun and rock the vote!
Saturday, November 01, 2008
can ken leach win in denton county?
Can Democrats really pull off an upset in conservative Denton County?
Well, there's only one way it can happen. YOU have to get out the vote! When you go vote, take a friend, a sibling, a parent, a cousin, a neighbor. Make sure that every progressive voter you know makes it to the polls on Tuesday. This election is so important, and with so much within our grasp we can't afford any missed opportunities.
Friday, October 31, 2008
goolsby not happy about having to campaign
The uncouth state representative apparently said the following to the Associated Press: “I’m up to my ass in a damn campaign. This is the only job I’ve got and I’m trying to save it. Obama’s got people coming from the rafters.”
Folks, we've been hearing that Republicans across the state are sharing the same sentiments. They weren't expecting to have to defend their seats, but the Democrats are building a huge momentum.
We've said it before-- we're expecting some serious surprises and upsets on election day!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
american stories, american solutions
palin eyes 2012, leaving mccain aides "speechless"
McCain's running mate Palin has already begun talking about her future aspirations if her ticket were to lose Tuesday's election.
ABC News is reporting that Palin has already begun talking about 2012:
On CNN, Dana Bash said that when she told a senior McCain adviser about Palin's remarks, that person was "speechless."In an interview with ABC News' Elizabeth Vargas, the Republican vice-presidential nominee was asked about 2012, whether she was discouraged by the daily attacks on the campaign trail, and would instead pack it in and return to her home state of Alaska.
"I think that, if I were to give up and wave a white flag of surrender against some of the political shots that we've taken, that would bring this whole … I'm not doing this for naught," Palin said.
Are you surprised?
his choice
It seems that the Palin pick has backfired.
She may prove to be a formidable candidate one day, but for now, she's just now ready. And it shows. John McCain is losing valuable votes because of his choice.
Watch Barack's compelling new ad below. It really makes you think doesn't it?
mccain and obama tied in arizona
You read that right: the senator from Arizona may actually lose the state he represents.
The Arizona Republic reports that McCain's lead over his Democratic opponent has shriveled to only two points, and with a three point margin of error, the state is now an electoral toss up.
This race is getting very interesting. We may be in for some surprises next Tuesday!Sen. John McCain's once-comfortable lead in Arizona has all but evaporated, according to a new poll that has the underdog Republican presidential candidate struggling in his own backyard.
With less than a week until Election Day, McCain is leading his Democratic rival, Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, by 2 points, 46 to 44, down from a 7-point lead a month ago and a double-digit lead this summer, according to a poll from Arizona State University.
a special message from bill and hillary
With Barack Obama and Joe Biden in the White House and bigger Democratic majorities in Congress, we're going to achieve things that didn't seem possible just a few years ago. But it's up to us to make it happen.
With only a few days left, it is crucial that we all do everything we can. Every single conversation, every single phone call, and every single volunteer could make a difference
Watch the video and sign up below to volunteer.
brimer calls texas blogger "lunatic"
Here's the description of John's encounter with Brimer in his own words:
Background:If you want to bring real change to Austin, make a last-minute contribution to the Wendy Davis campaign today, and if you live in Senate District 10, make sure you vote for her!
I attended the Sunset Commission hearing on abolishing the Texas Residential Construction Commission. Prior to the meeting I had sent a letter to Brimer (see attached) asking him to recuse himself from the decision to abolish this commission because unlike the homeowners who will testify, Brimer can always just ask Bob Perry for more donations to buy another condo if the condo is defective. I was obviously referring to his rent to own scam.
The confrontation
While “teaching” a new homeowner the ropes in the capitol, I saw Brimer in the hall, so I asked him about the letter and if he would recuse himself from the decision. He immediately turned red and started yelling at me “You are a lunatic” “You are crazy” and then walked away.
Three times I asked Brimer to “Don’t turn away from me, let’s talk about this”. Each time he would turn around getting more red. He claimed I didn’t know what I was talking about, and got mad when I told him I had a copy of the Ethics complaint. He demanded a copy of it. (see attached. Notice this complaint was filed in late 2007 and is NOT the one filed by the Values PAC in Dallas)
Brimer again turned away until I said “Well, then we will discuss this at the hearing, with the media”. He turned around one last time and said “I’ll make sure you are not there!” (What that meant is beyond me!)
The conclusion
Anyway, he was there for the two day hearings, but he was noticably missing from the part on the homebuilders commission recommendation. Mission accomplished?
Monday, October 27, 2008
obama's closing argument
Texas Blog Roundup: October 27, 2008
Oh, and don't forget to vote early!
The Texas Cloverleaf helps spread the truth about ACORN.
McBlogger takes a look at our own Congressman from Clear Channel, Mike McCaul, and discovers that he is indeed different.
jobsanger points out the dysfunctional aspect of this year's Republican campaign, first in Palin Disagrees With McCain, and then in Repubs Can't See The Reality.
BossKitty at TruthHugger is sad to recognize that while America’s Foreign Policy Suffers - Unemployment Soars - Religion Goes Toxic America's short attention span has been grabbed by personal survival and courted by political and religious philosophies.
As early voting begins Eye On Williamson charts the early voting numbers in Williamson County. HD-52 Democratic candidate Diana Maldonado continues to rack up the endorsements and launches her latest ad, taking on the insurance companies and high homeowners insurance.
Neil at Texas Liberal posted the second part of his Who I Would Have Supported For President series. The latest entry covered the years 1824-1852.
Gary at Easter Lemming Liberal News is keeping the early voting info up for the voters who need it but did notice that all the PUMAs have come home to Obama.
Vince at Capitol Annex notes that the Texas Association of Business has finally pleaded guilty in connection with its 2002 violations of Texas' campaign financing laws and that State Rep. John Davis (R-Clear Lake) and State Sen. Kim Brimer (R-Fort Worth) have taken big bucks from a company the TCEQ fined more than a quarter million dollars last week for polluting.
CouldBeTrue from South Texas Chisme has some hints about how to get your specific sample ballot. Be prepared!
Off the Kuff analyzes the high level of early voting in Harris County so far.
XicanoPwr analyzes the GOP attack on ACORN and the disenfranchisement of thousands of voters carried out by Paul Bettencourt in Harris County.
John McCain describes the economy as a drive by shooting. The Texas Cloverleaf calls it a whack job.
North Texas Liberal reports on Sarah Palin's $150,000 shopping spree at Neiman Marcus and Saks Fifth Avenue, and discusses why it could signal the end for her and John McCain's faltering campaign.
As Democrats in Harris County appear on the verge of something historic, the trends in the extraordinary early voting turnout portend the same blue surge that the rest of the country is about to experience. PDiddie at Brains and Eggs has the deets.
refinish69 at Doing My Part For The Left wants everyone to say thanks to Barbara at Avenue Gallery- NOT!!!
nytexan at Bluebloggin points out just how McCain and Palin are alike with their FEC violations. We’ve gone from 8 years of the “emperor has no clothes” to “the empress has new clothes.” The GOP is priceless. Palin is following in McCain’s footsteps for FEC violations, what a pair of mavericks. CREW Files FEC Complaint Against Palin. And, for McCain, apparently he and Palin have an affection for Russia; McCain’s New FEC Violation: Asks Russia For Campaign Money.
George at The Texas Blue wants you to know your job's not over just because you voted. We look at the early voting excitement across the state and remind you that it's critical to tell your friends and family to vote as well!
why it's not sexist to criticize palin's wardrobe
Sorry, Elisabeth, but you're just flat out wrong on this one.
As we explained last week, the RNC spent $150,000 on a designer wardrobe for Palin's campaign appearances. This is relevant because Palin is attempting to appeal to Joe Sixpack and Joe the Plumber while painting the Democrats out to be the ones shopping at Neiman's while sipping their lattes. She can't have it both ways.
And there is no double standard here. First of all, the Obamas shop on a budget, and much ado has been made about the fact that Michelle Obama shops at H&M instead of pricy boutiques or department stores. Secondly, Democrats have come under fire for similar hypocrisy as Palin's. For instance, John Edwards' message of "Two Americas" fell flat after it was revealed that he received a $400 haircut.
Edwards is a man. The right endlessly criticized him for trying to appeal to blue-collar voters and leading an elite lifestyle. Now Hasselbeck and her ilk are going to have to suck it up when the Ferragamo is on the other foot.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
fort worth star-telegram endorses obama
Meanwhile, the Fort Worth newspaper's main competitor, the Dallas Morning News, has endorsed John McCain. We think that, like the two biggest newspapers, the voting population in North Texas is also split. That's why you need to get everyone you know out to the polls on Election Day, or better yet during early voting next week. We could turn this around and give Obama much-needed, valuable votes. And yes, Texas is a red state, but you never know what could happen! We may end up with a Democratic senator if we get out the vote!For many of the same reasons that the Star-Telegram recommended Democrat Bill Clinton in 1992, it is recommending Democrat Barack Obama in 2008.
Obama provides the prescription for America’s ills at this moment: a fine, inquisitive intellect, paired with an eloquence that allows him to articulate a message with clarity and substance; an ability to inspire people of all ages, races and ethnicities who never before were engaged in the political process; and an unflappable temperament that allows him to weather a barrage of withering personal attacks.
Under his leadership, the Obama campaign has been amazingly disciplined, efficient and effective. Those same talents will be essential for the difficult work ahead to rebuild the nation’s faltering economic institutions and restore citizen confidence.
Friday, October 24, 2008
listen up- california, arizona, and florida
We urge voters in those states to make a decision that's bigger than them. Make a decision for a future for so many young people that deserve to live in a country that grants all its citizens equal rights.
Do the right thing. Vote NO on anti-gay ballot initiatives! Support marriage equality- for yourself, for your children, for your cousin, for your parents, for your neighbors... for the future.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
possible voter suppression reported in texas
The powers that be in Texas may be up to the same old tricks this cycle, according to reports out of Clear Lake. MOMocrats has the full story about possible voter suppression tactics in an area recently plagued by hurricanes. Here's an excerpt:
"A driver's license?" I asked, "They specified a driver's license?"
She confirmed it was a driver's license, not any other type of photo ID.
Earlier this year, back in March, there was a referendum on the table to require a photo ID to vote. However, the problem with that is technically it's a poll tax, since the IDs cost (money and time). You can't charge people to vote. However, even that referendum didn't require a driver's license, just an official photo identification card.
These poll workers stated that they required a driver's license, according to my friend. When she asked, they said she didn't have to show hers to them to vote.
Next, I talked to another friend who voted that same day at that same place. She reported the exact same experience.
"Did they tell you they had to have your driver's license?" I asked.
"Yeah, they did," she said.
"Did they scan the back of it?"
"Yeah, they did," she said again.
"Did they tell you that you had a choice, and that they didn't need the license?"
"No, I just figured the rules had changed," she said.
Keep in mind that you do not have to participate in this practice. There is no voter ID law in this state, and if you present a valid voter registration card, you do not have to show another form of identification unless you are a first-time voter.
the end of sarah palin
At that point, after the American public was still getting introduced to the governor, we argued that Palin seemed real to voters in Middle America, and that Barack Obama's supporters would do well not to ignore Palin's "everyman" appeal.
After today, we've changed our mind. We're retracting that warning. Why? Because now, it will be hard for Middle American voters to view her as much more than a fraud.
After weeks of battling her public image as Tina Fey "mocked" her and Katie Couric "tricked" her, she seemed to redeem herself by not falling flat at the vice-presidential debate.
But now she has suffered a death knell: it has been revealed that the Republican National Committee provided Palin with a $150,000 wardrobe from high-end retailers, including over $75,000 at Neiman Marcus and nearly $50,000 at Saks Fifth Avenue.
In a time when the Democratic ticket is leading the Republicans by double digits in most polls and has already amassed over 270 electoral votes in most predictions, this is the nail in the coffin for John McCain and Sarah Palin.
If this were Cindy McCain (and it has been), we wouldn't bat an eye. Why? As the Style section of the Washington Post says this morning, a shopping spree doesn't go against McCain's public persona. It isn't unexpected or out of character. McCain has never tried to appeal to "Joe Sixpack." (And we're sure that Barack is forever grateful today for his wife Michelle's ability to shop on a budget.)
But Palin is almost desperately middle-class- and she never lets the media or the voters forget her humble beginnings. While her spokesman has said that Palin has intended to give the clothes to charity in some way after the election ends, I'd like to hear a surrogate or Palin herself explain how the shopping trip matches anything that the candidate has said on the trail over the past couple of months.
The fact is that it doesn't. Not at all. Not ever. And there's no defense for Palin to be dressed in Valentino while she criticizes liberal regions of the country for not being "real America."
The act is up, Sarah. It's time to return your expensive wardrobe- but you can keep a winter coat, because you may need one back in Alaska.
Monday, October 20, 2008
early voting!
After all, Tarrant County smashed early voting records today when over 25,000 people showed up to vote there.
Find more information about early voting by clicking on your county:
Tarrant County
Denton County
Dallas County
Vote! It's your civic duty! And make sure you watch this before you head out to the voting booth.
Texas Blog Roundup: October 20, 2008
The Texas Cloverleaf took part in Blog Action Day this past Wednesday. Find out how you can combat poverty in your neck of the woods.
Bay Area Houston listed the fines for State Representatives and Senators issued by the Texas Ethics Commission in 2007 and 2008. Enjoy!
jobsanger discusses voting and registration. He says the E-Voting Can't Be Trusted without a paper trail, and ACORN Is Not Committing Fraud in their effort to register over a million new voters.
Vince at Capitol Annex notes that State Rep. John Davis (R-Clear Lake) is misleading voters about his poor record on education in his newest mailer, and that the mainstream media is calling John Cornyn's performance in the final senatorial debate "less than senatorial."
In the first of a series of posts on past presidential elections, Neil at Texas Liberal offers up Who I Would Have Supported For President 1788-1820.
WhosPlayin goes off on a Republican County Chair who thinks a candidate's sexual preference is more important than the substance of his ideas.
Off the Kuff takes a look at why some people won't be able to cast their ballot during the first few days of early voting.
CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme wants a fair election without Republican voter suppression and questionable electronic voting machines.
WCNews at Eye On Williamson posts on the fake controversy about voter "registration" fraud, Gone nuts about ACORN. And Diana Maldonado released her first TV ad this week, HD-52: Diana Maldonado is on TV, "Texas' Comeback".
Now that McBlogger has torn him a new cesspool, Joe The Plumber's fifteen minutes of fame are OVER
North Texas Liberal dissects Obama's wide lead on McCain in the polls and the projected electoral map. Also, former Secretary of State Colin Powell endorses Obama for president. (Start following us on Twitter for mini-updates and breaking news!)
Harris County clerk Beverly Kaufman predicts that 500,000 Houston-area voters will cast early votes, but Harris County tax assessor-collector Paul Bettencourt and Texas SoS Hope Andrade have done their best to hold that number down. Brains and Eggs has the details.
Gary at Easter Lemming Liberal News has put up his Early Voting Info post but also announced he is rapidly becoming a clueless Cassandra.
BossKitty at TruthHugger is sad to recognize that Sex Scandals, Scams, Phishing and Your Bank Account are signs of deeper disorders. Power, Money and Sex are hopelessly intertwined with EGO.
Justin at AAA-Fund Blog laments the loss of Gordon Quan as a future candidate.
Burnt Orange Report takes a look into the numbers of the latest poll in the U.S. Senate race and tells why it might be even closer than it looks.
Over at TexasKaos, fake consultant discovers a Giant Load of Hooey in one of THOSE emails. Just for fun, he investigates the "facts". The result is an education in how desperate the McCain-Palin crowd have become.