We'll be live-blogging election coverage on the major networks tonight. Now's a good time to hit the refresh button!7:04 p.m. - Hillary is expected to address her supporters shortly.
7:05 p.m. - John King is using his magical CNN map thing to prove that Hillary could never win, but Wolf Blitzer chimes in that everything could change if the Rules Committee seats Michigan and Florida when they convene on May 31.
7:06 p.m. - FOX News numbers: Clinton 62%, Obama 33%, with 57% of precincts reporting.
7:07 p.m. - "Obama has a celebration planned in Iowa, where the magic of hope and change all started" on FOX News.
7:09 p.m. - Tim Russert on MSNBC: Hillary wants to be as tough as McCain, but Obama has a different worldview on foreign and defense policy, and the Dems must make a decision on which they want.
7:13 p.m. - Pat Buchanan on MSNBC: Hillary thinks she's earned the right to be on the ticket as VP, and if Obama denies her then she can get someone to nominate her from the floor, and if he doesn't take her as VP then he is responsible for losing his own election.
7:14 p.m. - MSNBC panel discusses how Hillary feels that Barack can't win the general.
7:15 p.m. - Hillary's victory speech!
7:16 p.m. - Hillary: Not here to win primary or election, but to fulfill ideals of nation, etc.
7:17 p.m. - Hillary: Sen. Ted Kennedy (applause, cheers) is one of the greatest progressive leader in party history, most effective leader in country's history, hero to millions of Americans. Proud to have stood by Kennedy to increase minimum wage, offer health care to millions of children. "Five extraordinary decades devoted to America." He's been with us through our fights and we're now with him through his.
7:18 p.m. - Tonight we've achieved an important victory. It's not just Kentucky bluegrass that's music to my ears. They said it was over (boos, groans), but you never gave up on me, I'll never give up on you.
7:19 p.m. - We're winning the popular vote.
7:20 p.m. - Sees eye-to-eye with Obama on electing a Democrat to the WH in November. Help her, go to
hillaryclinton.com (crowd says it with her).
7:21 p.m. - We have to select a nominee best positioned to win in Nov. and best prepared to face the enormous challenges. That's what election is all about. More people have voted for me than for anyone that's ever run for the Democratic nomination - more than 17 million votes.
7:22 p.m. - You know our political process is more than candidates, ads, pundits, it's about the path we choose as a nation and whether or not we solve problems, rebuild economy, end Iraq war, restore American leadership, and stand up for you every day.
7:23 p.m. - Too many Americans have felt invisible, but you've never been invisible to me. I've been fighting for you my entire life.
7:24 p.m. - Every deserves health care, shot at the American dream, to fill the gas tank and buy the groceries, to build a better life for their children. New century poses new challenges to meet, if only we had a president ready, willing, and able to lead. (crowd chants "Yes she will!")
7:25 p.m. - We believe it will take a president with experience representing the people of the U.S. in more than 80 countries to restore moral authority in the world. America is worth fighting for. I've fought with determination, never giving up and never giving in.
7:26 p.m. - Not because I wanted to demonstrate my toughness, but I believe passionately that the Dems must take back the WH and end Republican rule. That's why I'm still running and you're still voting!
7:27 p.m. - I'm going to campaign in Montana, South Dakota and Puerto Rico, and keep standing up for the voters of Florida and Michigan. Those two states cast 2.3 million votes and they deserve to have those votes counted. I will make our case until we have a nominee, whoever SHE may be!
7:28 p.m. - Kentucky has a knack for picking presidents - delivered 2 terms to a president named Clinton. As Kentucky goes, so goes the nation. Neither Obama or I has won 2,210 delegates required to win the nomination. Neither of us will reach the magic number when voting ends on June 3. Our party will have a tough choice. Who's ready to lead our party at the top of the ticket? Who is ready to defeat McCain in swing states? Who is ready on day one to lead?
7:29 p.m. - So many Kentuckians I want to thank, thanks to Kentucky steering committee including former governors, etc. etc., friends in labor, Kentucky Veterans for Hillary, Chairman Terry McAuliffe, family, staff, volunteers, supporters, and in Oregon and across America.
7:31 p.m. - One more request for all of my supporters, for everyone that has helped the campaign. Keep working, keep fighting, keep standing up for what you believe is right. That is exactly what I'm going to do. People ask me how do I keep going, it is you that keeps me going. I think of all the women who were born before women could vote. So many barriers have crumbled and fallen, but we must break highest and hardest glass ceiling.
7:32 p.m. - Honored by support of woman whose husband is serving in military. Thankful to 11-year-old who sold bike and video games to support my campaign. Dalton, thank you so much, the $422 you raised helped carry the day in Kentucky.
7:33 p.m. - That's why I'm in this race to fight for your future. No matter what, I'll work to elect a Democratic president this fall. United we stand, divided we fall, those words inspired our founding fathers, by the people, for the people, in service and sacrifice. We will come together as a party united by common values and common cause. We know no boundaries of race, gender, geography, there will be no stopping us.
7:34 p.m. - We won't juust unite our party, we'll unite the country and make sure our best years are ahead of us.